Our efforts for amendment laws of political parties


From 26 to 30 May 2019 the Voluntary team of Aran Organization in Helebje visited and met with whole political parties officials there to talking about how to we can try to amendment above mentioned laws ( Law No17 in 1993 belong the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Law No.36 in 2015 belong The federal government of Iraq).

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) supports that project.

Aran Organization implements expanded project across the Iraq and Kurdistan Region Named “Establishing Democracy principals” within that project Aran organization try to amendment law of political parties.
why we want amendment those laws?
Laws of political parties aren’t prevents intervention political parties in government issues, that caused bad management of government by officials, so we want addressing that problem, solution that problem will be with approving new law to political parties issues, we try to reach that goal.